If you've ever done any research on alternative treatments for ADHD, you may have heard that ADHD vitamin supplements help. Scientific studies have shown that nutritional deficiencies may be one of the underlying causes of ADHD.
When you are shopping for supplements for an ADHD child, there are some important nutrients and ingredients you should look for on the label. For the best results, give your child a vitamin mineral supplement as well as a homeopathic remedy. Here are 7 must-have nutrients and ingredients to look for.
Vitamins And Health Supplements
B vitamin ADHD vitamin supplements help many ADHD children. B vitamins are essential for proper brain function and development. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is essential for energy production and brain function while vitamin B6 stimulates serotonin release in the brain. Low serotonin can lead to decreased energy and lethargy. Make sure your child eats plenty of sprouts, tuna, tomatoes, mushrooms, watercress, banana, and seeds, which are rich in B vitamins. When it comes to important ADHD vitamin supplements help your child by giving him a daily supplement that contains 5-10mg of zinc. Zinc is needed for the optimal development and functioning of the brain and nervous system. Zinc is even called the "intelligence mineral." Scientific studies show that around 95% of ADHD children are magnesium deficient. Magnesium supplementation can calm the hyperactive behavior of an ADHD child. You should avoid giving your child soda and processed food, which leaches magnesium from the body. 400g-800g of magnesium per day is good for a child who suffers from ADHD. Foods that are rich in magnesium include nuts, beans, raisins, green peas, and potato skins. Omega 3 fatty acids have a calming effect on children with hyperactivity and ADHD. Excessive thirst, dry skin, eczema, and asthma are some signs of an Omega 3 deficiency. Give your child cold water fish or put ground flax seed in his food and drinks to make sure he gets enough Omega 3 fatty acids in his diet. Calcium is also said to have a calming effect for ADHD children. For ADHD vitamin supplements help your child get enough calcium through his diet by giving him plenty of milk to drink each day. Hyoscyamus is a homeopathic ingredient that is known to alleviate over-excitability, restlessness, and disruptive behavior. It also prevents outbursts, foolish behavior, and involuntary twitching. Look for a homeopathic formula that contains hyoscyamus as an active ingredient. Arsen Iod balances mood and prevents temper outbursts. It has a very calming effect on children who suffer from hyperactivity, restlessness, irritability, and impatience.
ADHD vitamin supplements help a lot but they are most effective when complemented with the regular use of a homeopathic formula.
Nutritional deficiencies are scientifically proven to cause the symptoms of ADHD. Their supplementation can dramatically improve your child's behavior.
For optimal results in ADHD treatment, ADHD vitamin supplements help, as do homeopathic remedies that contain these important nutrients and ingredients. Help your child achieve health and healing through vitamin, mineral, and homeopathic treatment so he can live a happier, more productive life.